Urine Mycotoxin Test
$399 USD
Mycotoxins are produced by mold spores, which are ubiquitous in the environment and in many homes and offices. Mold behaves differently indoors versus outdoors. It is estimated that at least 50% of homes and office buildings have mold overgrowth. It is important to remember that most species of mold cannot be seen by the naked eye. Therefore, testing becomes imperative.
Tests are purchased from a lab; we do not offer refunds.
State law prohibits us to ship Mycotox to NY.
Accurate shipping address required at time of purchase.
Please contact us for further inquiries.
Note: No return on kits once shipped
Import and duty fees are the responsibility of the customer and we do not provide return shipping labels for test kits shipped outside the US

Who Needs It
If you have any sort of chronic health issue, an auto-immune disorder, a neurodegenerative disorder, anxiety, depression, ADHD/ADD, insomnia, bipolar disorder, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, unexplained weight gain, brain fog, or chronic fatigue, you NEED this test. Different mycotoxins have slightly different effects on our bodies. For example, gliotoxins impact the brain more than other mycotoxins. One thing they all have in common is disrupting our immune system. You may meet the criteria for a certain diagnostic label, but that condition did not just happen. Besides, labels are only helpful if they help us to find the root causes. An order of operations exists when attempting to optimize your health. And addressing mycotoxins is typically the first thing that needs to be done.
Why Do You Need It
No matter what climate you reside in, mold overgrowth is the rule and not the exception. Even if your home and/or office has relatively low levels of mold, you’ve likely visited the homes of friends, colleagues, and family members with high amounts of mycotoxins. Have you ever been in a grocery store and seen a ceiling tile with stains? That’s water damage! And their answer is to typically replace that ceiling tile, not realizing that mold spores have leached into the air at that point. If you live in a humid environment, there exists a good chance that indoor humidity goes above 50%. Any time the humidity level exceeds 50%, there is an increased chance for the overgrowth of mold.

What You Need It For
This baseline test tells us what mycotoxins in what quantity are in your body. We then create a customized plan to help your body excrete these mycotoxins and restore your body to a state of homeostasis. In addition, we guide you through the proper environmental modifications to prevent this from happening again in the future. The test results also tell us how aggressive we need to be with our detoxification efforts. In addition, it gives us a rough estimate of when we need to retest based on the amount of mycotoxins you have.